We perform actuarial valuations for US defined benefit pension and hybrid plans
Our scope of services include
- Data updating and reconciliation
- Determination of eligible employees, service amounts, employee vesting percentages etc
- Determination of late retiree increases, upcoming retirements, upcoming MRDs
- Complete data reconciliation
We thoroughly scrutinize client data to identify missing, inconsistent and invalid information and clarify with the client. Following clarification of these data queries, we update and validate the current year data and prepare final data set for running the valuation.
We perform actuarial valuations for US defined benefit pension and hybrid plans
Our scope of services include
- Data updating and reconciliation
- Determination of eligible employees, service amounts, employee vesting percentages etc
- Determination of late retiree increases, upcoming retirements, upcoming MRDs
- Complete data reconciliation
We thoroughly scrutinize client data to identify missing, inconsistent and invalid information and clarify with the client. Following clarification of these data queries, we update and validate the current year data and prepare final data set for running the valuation.
- Required Liability Calculations
- Calculations of accrued benefits and liability values employee-wise
- Calculation of Minimum Required Contributions and Maximum Deductible Contributions
- Comparison of benefits to prior year
- Results analysis
- Required Minimum Distributions analysis
- Checking for 415 benefit limit compliance
- Liability projections (if requested)
- Certified Funding Valuation Report
We provide detailed Annual Funding Valuation Report for employers that includes details of plan provisions, actuarial assumptions used for liability calculations, calculations of minimum required contributions and maximum deductible contributions, development of carryover and pre-funding balances, assets reconciliation, key funding ratios and their implications, summary and results analysis.
- Form 5500 and related Schedules
We prepare the plan’s necessary tax reporting forms and government filings including IRS Form 5500 and related Schedules.
- PBGC Filing – EA Ready
We prepare timely online premium filings for PBGC-insured pension plans.
- Compliance Testing
We perform plan compliance tests as required by the Internal Revenue Code including
- 416 Top Heavy testing
- 410(b) Minimum Coverage
- 401(a)(4) Non-discrimination testing
- Safe Harbors
- 414(s) Compensation Testing
- Cross-testing of Defined Benefit and Defined Contribution combination plans
- Form 5500 and related Schedules
We prepare the plan’s necessary tax reporting forms and government filings including IRS Form 5500 and related Schedules.
- PBGC Filing – EA Ready
We prepare timely online premium filings for PBGC-insured pension plans.
- Compliance Testing
We perform plan compliance tests as required by the Internal Revenue Code including
- 416 Top Heavy testing
- 410(b) Minimum Coverage
- 401(a)(4) Non-discrimination testing
- Safe Harbors
- 414(s) Compensation Testing
- Cross-testing of Defined Benefit and Defined Contribution combination plans
- Financial Reporting and Disclosures
We prepare Accounting Expense and Financial Disclosure reports for all employee benefits plans as per guidance of Accounting Standards of Financial Accounting Standards Board FASB 87/132/158; FAS 106.
- Plan and Client-specific consulting services for various services including but not limited to:
- Plan Design and Analysis
- Design and Annual Testing of Combination (Defined Benefit and Defined Contribution) plans
- Plan Termination Calculations and Filings
- Liability projections
- Strategies to meet client’s funding objectives.
- Audit assistance for CPA review of employee benefit plans
- Required Minimum Distribution values
- Participant Benefit Calculations
- Participant Benefit Statements
- Cash Balance Plans